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Wellness journey
from one place

Your body is unique. Its support should be too.

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Track Anything

Securely track your holistic health pillars. Share this progress securely
with your coach to receive the best, most relevant care in realtime.

Flöka holistic health pillars, tracking, Mind, Body, Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep, Cycle TrackingFlöka holistic health pillars, tracking, Mind, Body, Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep, Cycle Tracking

All in One Modern, Connected Experience

Track Anything and Everything

Track your health within floka or With a 1000+ apps and wearables that integrate with flöka. Share with your provider.

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And so many more...

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Integrate Everywhere

Meeting you where you are, with the tools you already have. Integrate with 1000+ Apps and Wearables

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Share your Tracking with
your Coach to Heal Faster

Get your integrative coach the info they need, in real time, to give you the best possible recommendations to help you
heal a whole lot faster.

Brittany Ford, Flöka is an amazing biohacking tool. Helps with tracking and creating courses and programs for clients.Allison, a period lab client, speaks on the power of tracking on flöka.

Sync. Share. Heal

Start your wellness journey and unlock your always-free insights with the
help of your health expert.

flöka integrations, Flo, Clue, OURA, Apple Health, Tempdrop, WearablesLearn on flöka, purchase your coach's course or follow their program!
Track your mental health, sleep, fitness, cycle, nutrition and acne. Use your own tools like OURA, tempdrop, Apple watch, fitbitShare your health with your integrative practitioner, coach or health expert. No more emails! Use flöka dashboards

Thriving health should be accessible to everyone.

Start your journey to healing faster